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 Races of Faerun

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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Races of Faerun   Races of Faerun EmptySat Oct 08, 2011 12:58 am

The following races are available for use as PC's in the campaign and differ from the standard ones in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook.

This should be considered a partial sampling at best since I won't have time to post every alternate race available in out of print FR books. If you would like to play a FR-canon race that is not represented here, please let me know and we can work something out.

Last edited by The DM on Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Dwarf, Gold   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 2:40 am

Gold Dwarves
Unlike the shield dwarves, the gold dwarves maintained their great
kingdom in the Great Rift and did not decline in terrible wars
against evil humanoids. While they practiced some magic, they
never acquired the hubris that caused the downfall of some human
nations. Confident and secure in their remote home, the gold
dwarves gained a reputation for haughtiness and pride.
Since the Thunder Blessing, many young gold dwarves have left
the Great Rift and are exploring the rest of Faerun. The folk of
other lands have learned that while some gold dwarves are aloof and
suspicious, for the most part they arc forthright warriors and
shrewd traders. •

Regions: The ancestral home of the gold .dwarves is the Great
Rift, located in the dry plains of the Shaar. Gold dwarven outposts
can also be found in the Smoking Mountains of Unther and in the
Giant's Run Mountains west of the Vilhon Reach.

Averaging 4 feet tall and weighing as much as an ault human, gold dwarves are stocky and muscular. The skin of a gold dwarf is light brown or deeply tanned, and her eyes are usually brown or hazel. Both genders wear their hair long, and males (and some females) have long, carefully groomed beards and mustaches. Hair color ranged from black to gray or brown, with all shades fading to light gray as time progresses.

Gold Dwarf Abilities: Gold Dwarves have the standard ability score adjustments and racial abilities as per dwarves given in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, except as follows.

Aberration Hatred: With their long experience fighting such creatures in the depths of their underground environment, gold dwarves gain a +1 to hit and damage against against creatures of the aberration type. This replaces the standard dwarves hatred of orcs and goblinoids.

Automatic Languages: Dwarven, Common, home region. Bonus Languages: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Shaaran, Terran, Untheric.

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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Shield Dwarves   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 2:44 am

Shield Dwarves
The sculpted halls and echoing chambers of dwarven kingdoms
are scattered through the Underdark like forgotten necklaces of
semiprecious stones, Dwarven kingdoms such as Xonathanur,
Oghrann, and Gharraghaur taught the less civilized races of
Faerun what it meant to hold and wield power. Unlike the
ancient human empires, the dwarves distrusted magic, so they
were never seduced to the heights of magical folly that toppled
Netheril and Imaskar. Instead, the dwarves became locked in
eternal wars with goblin-kind and the other dwellers in the
Underdark. One by one, the dwarven empires of the north failed,
leaving only scattered survivors in the mountains or unconquered
sections of the Underdark.
The clans that survived these battles are the shield dwarves.
For many human generations they were divided into two types:
the Hidden, given to reclusion and secrecy, and the Wanderers,
comfortable with other races and inclined to exploration. Since
the Thunder Blessing, the older members of Hidden clans are
beginning to change their hearts. Within a few decades the differences
between Hidden and Wanderer may become meaningless.

Regions: Shield dwarven holds exist in Damara, Impiltur, the
North, the Silver Marches, Vaasa, the Vast, and the Western Heartlands.
Citadel Adbar (north and east of Silverymoon, but counted as
in that region for these purposes) is the most famous shield dwarven
city. Most shield dwarven characters select one of these homelands
or the shield dwarf entry on Table 1-4: Character Regions as their
native region.

Racial Abilities: Shield dwarves have all the dwarven racial traits
given in Chapter 1 of the "Core Rulebook" except as follows:

• Automatic Languages: Dwarven, Common, home region.
Bonus Languages: Chondathan, Draconic, Giant, Goblin,
Illuskan, Ore.
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Grey Dwarves (Duergar)   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 2:51 am

Gray Dwarves
Long ago, mind flayers conquered the strongholds of clan Duergar
of the dwarven kingdom of Shanatar, After generations of enslavement
and cruel experimentation at the hands of the illithids, the
duergar rose against their masters and regained their freedom. They
emerged as a new subrace of dwarf with limited mental powers.
The gray dwarves arc an evil and bitter race, but retain the superior
skill and workmanship of dwarvenkind. They have found a
niche for themselves in the Underdark, creating armor and weapons
to trade with the warring races of that realm. They seem to have
been denied the Thunder Blessing.

Duergar on the whole are evil, but some turn their backs on their
fellows and seek a different sort of life. For some, this means abandoning
the evil gods of the duergar and embracing the traditional
dwarven pantheon, while for others it is a more practical betrayal,
usually involving stealing from other gray dwarves. When discovered,
an outcast is typically stripped of his possessions, tattooed on
the face and arms to mark him as a criminal, and cast out under
penalty of death. Some clans secretly aid their outcasts—or encourage
them to leave before they are found out. To return is to die.
This grim fate drives most outcasts to the surface, where they
struggle to survive in an unwelcoming world. The surface dwarves
hate the duergar because they turned to evil, and no other surface
races hold much love for the gray dwarves. Most of the gray dwarves
met by surface dwellers are tattooed exiles, although a small number
were lucky or smart enough to leave before being discovered.
Male and female duergar are bald, and women do not grow
beards. They are much thinner than other dwarves, with severe
facial expressions, gray hair, and gray skin.

Duergar Racial Abilities:
+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, –4 Charisma: Duergar are hearty and observant, but also stubborn and belligerent.
Movement: base speed (20 feet.) Speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
Senses: darkvision (120 feet.)
Immunities/Saving Throw Bonuses: Immune: paralysis, phantasms, and poison. Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 racial bonus against spells and spell-like abilities.
Stability: Duergar receive a +4 racial bonus to their CMD against bull rush or trip attempts while on solid ground.
Spell-Like Abilities: enlarge person and invisibility each 1/day, using their character level as their caster level. Both of these spell-like abilities affect the duergar only.
Weaknesses/Vulnerabilities: Light Blindness
Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.

Languages: Dwarven, Undercommon, home region.
Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Orc,

XP Debt: Before you gain actual XP to progress in level, you must “work off” an XP debt equal to half what you normally need to reach 2nd level. This puts you slightly behind other characters in the party, who will reach higher levels more quickly than your character, but as you gain levels, this gap narrows.

Alternate Duergar racial traits:

Magic resistance: Some Duergar have been mutated by their exposure to strange underdark radiation and fungi. They are no longer as hardy, but have gained resistance to magic. They gain Spell Resistance of 6+character level. This trait replaces the usual immunity and saving throw bonuses.

Relentless: Duergar are skilled at pushing their way through a battlefield. Duergar with this trait gain a +2 on CMB checks to bull rush or overrun an opponent. This replaces the Stability racial trait.

Psionic Aptitude: When a duergar takes a level in a favored class, he can choose to gain an additional power point instead of a hit point or skill point.

Crossbow familiarity: Duergar are known for their skill with crossbows. You may consider the double crossbow, light and heavy repeating crossbow, and double repeating crossbow (see house rules) as martial weapons rather than exotic. This replaces the standard dwarven weapon familiarity.

Last edited by The DM on Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:33 pm; edited 5 times in total
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The DM
The DM

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Join date : 2011-09-26

Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Dark Elves (Drow)   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 4:15 am

Descended from the original dark-skinned elven subrace called the
Illythuri, the drow were cursed into their present appearance by the
good elven deities for following the goddess Lolth down the path to
evil and corruption. Also called dark elves, the drow have black skin
that resembles polished obsidian and stark white or pale yellow hair.
They commonly have very pale eyes in shades of lilac, silver, pink,
and blue. They also tend to be smaller and thinner than most elves.

Most drow on the surface are evil and worship Vhaeraun, but some
outcasts and renegades have a more neutral attitude.

Drow have a unique language, Drow Sign Language, that allows
them to communicate silently with hand gestures at distances of up
to 110 feet as long as they can see each other. Drow Sign Language
is a bonus language for drow; others have to spend skill points to
learn it. It has no alphabet or written form.
Regions: Menzoberranzan, home city of the famed exile Drizzt
Do'Urden, is the most famous drow realm.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution: Drow are nimble and manipulative.
Senses: darkvision (120 feet.)
Immunities/Saving Throw Bonuses: Immune: magic sleep effects. Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 racial bonus against enchantment spells.
Racial Skill Bonuses: Perception +2.
Spell Resistance: Drow possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.
Spell-Like Abilities: dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire each 1/day, using his total character level as his caster level.
Weaknesses/Vulnerabilities: Light Blindness.
Poison Use: Drow are skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.
Weapon Familiarity: Drow are proficient with the hand crossbow, rapier, and short sword.

Languages: Drow begin play speaking Elven and Undercommon. Drow with high Intelligence can choose bonus languages from the following: Elven, Undercommon, home region.
Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Drow Sign
Language, Goblin, Illuskan;

XP Debt: Before you gain actual XP to progress in level, you must “work off” an XP debt equal to half what you normally need to reach 2nd level. This puts you slightly behind other characters in the party, who will reach higher levels more quickly than your character, but as you gain levels, this gap narrows.

Alternate Racial Traits:

Spider-kisser: Some Drow have an affinity for spiders and have become used to living in close proximity to them. Drow with this racial trait add a +2 on saving throws aganst poison and are immune to the poison of natural spiders. This ability replaces the traditional drow immunities.

Ancient Hatred: Drow with this racial trait have carried a burning hate for their surface kin, passed down from the curse the Seldarine placed on their ancestors. They receive a +1 to attack and damage rolls against nondrow elves. This ability replaces the poison use racial trait.

Undermastery: Some drow have developed skills stemming from their long study and life underground. They may add a +2 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and survival checks made while underground. This ability replaces Poison use.

Friend of the Dark: Most drow hate the sun and the pain it brings them, preferring the comforting embrace of darkness. Drow with this trait extend their darkvision to 150 foot range. Drow with intelligence 12 or higher and this trait may use Deeper Darkness as a spell like ability with a caster level equal to half their character level once per day. This ability replaces both the drow immunities and poison use racial traits.

Last edited by The DM on Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:39 pm; edited 4 times in total
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Noble Drow   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 4:18 am

+4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution. Noble drow are very agile, observant, and regal. These ability score modifiers replace the standard drow ability score modifiers.
Spell Resistance: Drow nobles have spell resistance equal to 11 + their character level.
Spell-Like Abilities: dancing lights, deeper darkness, faerie fire, feather fall, and levitate each at will, and have detect magic as a constant spell-like ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispel magic, and suggestion 1/day each. In some cases, a drow noble's spell-like abilities might vary, although the level of a particular spell-like ability does not. A drow noble's caster level for her spell-like abilities is equal to her character level.

Level Adjustment: +1
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Moon Elves   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 4:21 am

Moon elves are the most common sort of elves in Faerun, Also
called silver elves, they have fair skin (sometimes tinged with
blue) and hair of silver-white, black, or blue, (Humanlike colorsare rare, but possible.)
Their eyes are blue or green, with gold flecks. They are the elven subrace most tolerant of humankind,
and most half-elves are descended from moon elves.

Regions: Moon elven domains found in the woodlands of
the Dalelands (in Cormanthor), Evermeet, the High Forest, the
North, Silverymoon, and the Western Heartlands. Evereska, on the
western edges of Anauroch, is the strongest elven domain remaining
in Faerun. The moon elf entry on Table 1—4: Character Regions
describes characters from any small elven forest community.
Racial Abilities Moon elves have all the elven racial traits given
in Chapter 1 of the "Core Rulebook" except as follows:

Automatic Languages: Elven, Common, home region. Bonus
Languages: Auran, Chondathan, Gnoll, Gnome, Halfling,
Illuskan, Sylvan
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Sun Elves   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 4:24 am

Sun elves are less common across Faerun than moon elves, because
most live on Evermeet, where nonelves are not allowed. Also called
gold elves, they have bronze skin, golden blond, copper, or black
hair, and green or gold eyes. These are seen as the most civilized and
haughty elves, preferring to remain separate from nonelven races.
Regions: Aside from Evermeet, where they are most common,
sun elves can be found in the woodlands of the North, Silverymoon,
and the Western Heartlands. The realm of Evereska is home to a
number of powerful sun elven families. The sun elf entry on Table
1-4: Character Regions describes the scions of sun elven families.
Racial Abilities: Sun elves have all the elven racial traits given in
Chapter 2 of the Core Rulebook except as follows:

• +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution, Sun elves value study and contemplation
over the feats of agility learned by most other elves.

• Automatic Languages: Elven, Common, home region. Bonus
Languages: Auran, Celestial, Chondathan, Gnome, Halfling,
Illuskan, Sylvan.
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Wild Elves   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 4:26 am

Wild Elves
The very rare wild elves are rarely seen by others, because they live
in the heart of thick forests and they have incredible skill at keeping
hidden. Also called green elves, their skin tends to be dark brown,
and their hair ranges from black to light brown, lightening to silvery
white with age.
Regions: Wild elves favor warm southern forests and jungles, such
as the Chondalwood, the Methwood, the Forest of Amtar, and the
Misty Vale. Wild elven characters may use the wild elf entry on
Table 1-4: Character Regions or choose the Chondalwood, Chessenta,
Chult, or the Shaar as their home region. .
Racial Abilities: Wild elves correspond exactly to the wild elves
presented in the Monster Manual. They have all the elven racial
traits given in of the Core Rulebook except as follows:
• +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom.
Wild elves are hardier than other
elves, but favor physical action and feats of athleticism instead of
learning to solve problems.
• Automatic Languages: Elven, Common, home region. Bonus
Languages: Gnoll, Illuskan, Orc, Sylvan, Tashalan.
• Favored class: Barbarian

Last edited by The DM on Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Wood Elves   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 4:29 am

Wood Elves
Wood elves are reclusive, but less so than the almost feral wild elves.
Also called copper elves, they have coppery skin tinged with green,
and brown, green, or hazel eyes. Their hair is usually brown or black,
with blond and coppery-red occasionally found.
Regions: The High Forest is home to many wood elves. Smaller
communities can be found in the forests of the Dalelands (especially
Cormanthor), the Great Dale, the North, Tethyr, and the Western
Heartlands, The wood elf entry on Table 1-4: Character Regions
is appropriate for characters from any of these places.

Racial Abilities: Wood elves have all the elven racial
traits given in Chapter 1 of the Core Rulebook except as follows:

• +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence
Charisma. Wood elves are strong but slight, and tend to be less sociable than other elves
• Automatic Languages: Elven, Common, home region. Bonus
Languages: Chondathan, Draconic, Gnome, Goblin, Gnoll, Sylvan,
• Favored class: Ranger.
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The DM
The DM

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Join date : 2011-09-26

Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Deep Gnomes (Sverfneblin)   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:15 am

Hidden in the depths of the Underdark live the svirfneblin, or deep
gnomes. Reclusive, suspicious, and resentful of intrusion into their cavern
homes, the deep gnomes share little of the humor or openness of their
surface cousins, Where a rock gnome community bursts with energy,
excitement, and laughter, a svirfneblin city is a dull and colorless place
of echoing silence and furtive motion in the shadows All hands are raised
against the svirfneblin—or so the deep gnomes believe, anyway.
The deep gnomes may be the world's stealthiest and most elusive
folk. Centuries upon centuries of surviving the deadly perils of the
Underdark have bred in this race an amazing gift for avoiding attention.
In their cavern homes they are nearly undetectable with magic,
and even in the strange and threatening (to them) surface world, the
deep gnomes' natural stealth makes them difficult to spot or catch.
Svirfneblin have gnarled physiques, brown or gray skin, gray eyes,
and gray hair (although males are bald). They tend to be sullen,
withdrawn, and suspicious to a fault.
Regions: Very few of the Underdark towns and strongholds of the
deep gnomes are known to the surface world. Most svirfneblin characters
can be described accurately enough by the deep gnome entry
on Table 1-4: Character Regions.
Two years ago, several hundred svirfneblin from the city of
Blingdenstone were driven to the surface in the Silver Marches
when their city was overrun by drow-summoned demons. These
exiles sought refuge in the lands of Silverymoon and are occasionally
seen in the North,
Racial Abilities: Svirfneblin have all the gnome racial traits given
in Chapter 2 of the Core Rulebook except as follows:

–2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, –4 Charisma: Svirfneblin are fast and observant, but relatively weak and emotionally distant.
Size: Small (gain a +1 size bonus to AC, +1 size bonus to attack rolls, –1 penalty to CMB and CMD, and +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.)
AC Bonuses: +2 dodge bonus, +1 size bonus (from Small size.)
Senses: darkvision (120 feet), low-light vision.
Immunities/Saving Throw Bonuses: Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Racial Skill Bonuses: Craft (alchemy), Perception and Stealth +2 (Stealth +4 underground- also, note +4 Size bonus.) Stonecunning (+2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors; receive a free check to notice such features whenever passing within 10' of them, whether or not actively looking.)
Attack Bonuses: +1 attack bonus against humanoid (reptilian) and humanoid (elven) due to training against these hated foes.
Spell Resistance: Spell Resistance 11 + (class levels.)
Svirfneblin Magic: Svirfneblin add +1 to the DC of any illusion spells they cast.
Spell-Like Abilities: nondetection (constant), blindness/deafness, blur, disguise self (1/day each.) Caster level for all equals the svirfneblin's class levels.
Earth Magic: Svirfneblin Sorcerers with the Elemental(Earth) or Deep Earth Bloodline as well as oracles with the Stone Mystery may treat their Charisma score as if 2 higher for all spells and class abilities.

Automatic Languages: Gnome, Undercommon, home region.
Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Illuskan,

Level Adjustment+1

Last edited by The DM on Tue May 01, 2012 7:36 am; edited 2 times in total
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Rock Gnomes   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:17 am

Rock gnomes are the most common type of gnomes in Faerun, and
are usually just called gnomes, since they arc the only sort that surface
dwellers ever see. The rock gnomes of Faerun are nearly identical
to the gnomes portrayed in the "Player's Handbook. They arc
inquisitive, irrepressible, and at times insincere.
Equipped by nature with keen curiosity and a knack for mechanical
workings, gnomes excel at intricate crafts such as gemcutting,
toy making, and clockwork engineering. They happen to be the finest
gunsmiths in Faerun, and they are the most likely of any race to
arm themselves with smokepowder firearms.
Regions: If the rock gnomes have a homeland, they would probably
count it as the half-mythical island of Lantan. The rock gnome
entry on Table 1-4: Character Regions describes mainly these Lantanese
gnomes. Other than in Lantan, rock gnomes do not dwell in
quantity in any particular country or city. Instead, small communities
of a dozen families or so might be found almost anywhere, well
hidden in wild terrain or sometimes in their own urban neighborhood.
They favor temperate climates, and a number of gnome settlements
are known to exist in the Western Heartlands, the
Dalelands, and the woodlands of the Great Dale and Thesk.

Rock Gnomes possess the traits for gnomes described in Chapter 2 on the Core Rulebook, except as follows:

Automatic Languages; Gnome, Common, home region. Bonus
Languages: Chondathan, Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, Illuskan,
Sylvan, Terran,
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Ghostwise Halfling   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:21 am

These wild, nearly feral halfiings rarely leave the confines of the
deep forests. Strange and reclusive, they form close-knit communities
because of their amazing talents and are uncomfortable with
strangers. Like other halflings, they refer to themselves as the hin.
They do not have a name for their subrace, because their culture is
almost entirely cut off from the outside world and their awareness
of other kinds of halflings is very low.
Regions: The Chondalwood, south of the Vilhon Reach, is home
to a number of ghost wise settlements. Other forests inhabited by
these reclusive folk include the Methwood between Chessenta and
Unther, and the Forest of Amtar south of the plains of the Shaar.

Ghostwise halflings possess standard halfling racial traits except as follows:

Speak without Sound (Su) A ghostwise halfling, unlike other halftings,
can communicate telepathically with any creature within
10 feet, just as if speaking to him or her. The halfling can only
speak and listen to one person at a time, and he must share a common
language with the person or creature he speaks to telepathically,
or the telepathic link fails.
• Ghostwise halflings do not receive the standard halfling +1 racial
bonus on all saving throws. They simply are not as lucky as their
lightfoot cousins.
• Automatic Languages: Halfling, Common, home region. Bonus
Languages: Chondathan, Elven, Gnoll, Shaaran, Sylvan.
• Favored Class: Barbarian.
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Lightfoot Halfling   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:22 am

The most common type of halflings seen in the world, the lightfoots
are the most likely to give in to their desire to wander. They are at
home living side by side with folk of many different races and cultures.
Lightfoot halflings are more likely to worship nonhalfling
deities than any other halfling subrace.
Regions: Some lightfoot halflings are wandering traders, craftsfolk,
and entertainers, A clan of several extended families may settle
in a human town for a year or two, working and trading, and then
pick up their stakes and move on for reasons known only to themselves.
The lightfoot halfling entry on Table 1-4: Character Regions
describes a lightfoot halfling of this seminomadic sort.
Many lightfoot halflings prefer a more sedentary existence. The
kingdom of Luiren is the ancestral homeland of the halfling race,
and some lightfoots live there. Other lightfoots settle permanently
in just about any land in which humans live. Any region entry for a
human land is acceptable for a lightfoot character.
Racial Abilities: Lightfoot halflings are the standard halflings
found in the Player's Handbook. They have all the halfling racial
traits given in Chapter 2 of the Core Rulebook except as follows:

• Automatic Languages: Halfling, Common, home region. Bonus
Languages: Chessentan, Chondathan, Damaran, Dwarven, Elven,
Illuskan, Goblin.
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Strongheart Halfling   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:23 am

While the lightfoot halflings value the experience of travel and the
sight of new lands and peoples, the stronghearts are a more organized,
orderly, and industrious race. They build to last, and fiercely defend
their homelands against threats that their lightfoot kin would simply
flee. Northland humans familiar with the easygoing ways of the lightfoot
halflings are surprised to learn that some halflings are capable of
a warrior tradition and aren't afraid to show a hint of arrogance or
confidence in their own abilities and strengths. Strongheart halflings
enjoy athletic contests and value exceptional skills of all kinds.
Regions: Strongheart halflings make up most of the population of
the land of Luiren. They are uncommon in other lands. The strongheart
halfling entry on Table 1-4: Character Regions describes a
Strongheart halfling from Luiren.

Racial A b i l i t i e s : Strongheart halflings have all the halfling racial
traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player's Handbook except as follows:

Strongheart halflings gain one extra feat at 1st level, because
they have a strong drive to compete and many opportunities to
practice their skills.

Strongheart halflings do not receive the halfling racial +1 bonus
on all saving throws. They have not experienced the same kind of
adversity that the lightfoot halflings have survived.

Automatic Languages: Halfling, Common, home region. Bonus
Languages: Dwarven, Gnoll, Goblin, Halruaan, Shaaran.
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Planetouched   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:25 am

Faerun is home to many native peoples and has many magic portals
that lead to distant parts of the world as well as to other worlds.
Through these portals come visitors from other planes, including
outsiders of various sorts, some of whom dally or settle in Faerun
and have children with local humans. Eventually their extraplanar
heritage gets diluted over several generations, resulting in a person
with a slight bloodline of celestial, infernal, or elemental origin.
These beings, known as the planetouched, have unusual abilities
based on the nature of their distant ancestors, but in most ways
appear completely human. Because of the widespread portals, these
planetouched might look like a human from any part of this world,
and so may be of Dalelands, Mulhorandi, Turmish, or any other
stock. The most common sorts of planetouched are aasimar (descended
from celestials), tieflings (descended from demons or devils), and
genasi (descended from elemental-related outsiders, such as genies).
The planetouched prefer to blend in with human society and
rarely form communities of their own. In this way, they are a more
extreme example than the half-elves (who also rarely have their own
communities) because of their rarity and varied backgrounds. Some
places have a slightly higher frequency of the planetouched because
of local circumstances, described in each type's entry.
Native Outsider: Due to the strength of their divine or infernal
bloodlines, each of the planetouched races possesses the unusual
characteristic of being an outsider native to Faerun, not a humanoid.
This has three principal effects:
First, spells or effects that affect only humanoids, such as a
charm person or a dominate person spell, do not affect planetouched
Second, spells and effects that target extraplanar creatures may
affect planetouched characters. For example, the mace of smiting
and the sword of the planes are more effective against outsiders, and
are correspondingly more dangerous to a planetouched character. A
spell that drives outsiders back to their home planes does not affect
planetouched characters, but banishment—a spell that removes an
outsider from the caster's plane without specifying a return to the
outsider's native plane—would work just fine.
Finally, Faerun's planetouched have lived on Toril long enough
for Toril to become, in effect, their native plane. This means that
planetouched characters can be raised or resurrected normally,
whereas most outsiders cannot be brought back from the dead without
the use of a miracle or wish spell.
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Aasimar   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:27 am

Aasimars are humans with a significant amount of celestial or other good outsider blood in their ancestry. Aasimars are not always good, but it is a natural tendency for them, and they gravitate to good faiths or organizations associated with celestials. Aasimar heritage can hide for generations, only to appear suddenly in the child of two apparently human parents. Most societies interpret aasimar births as good omens. Aasimars look mostly human except for some minor physical trait that reveals their unusual heritage. Typical aasimar features are hair that shines like metal, unusual eye or skin color, or even glowing golden halos.

Aasimar possess the following character traits

+2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom: Aasimars are insightful, confident, and personable.
Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)
Racial Skill Bonuses: Diplomacy and Perception +2.
Spell-Like Abilities: daylight 1/day (caster level equals the aasimar's class level).
Resistance(s): acid, cold, electricity resistance 5.
Languages: Automatic Languages: Common, Celestial. Bonus Languages:
Any (except secret languages, such as Druidic)
An Aasimar Cleric with the Good Domain, Sorcerer with the Celestial Bloodline or Oracle with the Heavens domain may treat his Charisma Score as if 2 points higher for all class abilities.
Favored Class: Paladin

XP Debt: Before you gain actual XP to progress in level, you must “work off” an XP debt equal to half what you normally need to reach 2nd level. This puts you slightly behind other characters in the party, who will reach higher levels more quickly than your character, but as you gain levels, this gap narrows.

Last edited by The DM on Tue May 01, 2012 7:40 am; edited 4 times in total
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Tiefling   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:29 am

Tieflings are humans with demonic, devilish, or other evil outsider blood in their ancestry. Often persecuted for their strange appearance and unnatural mannerisms, most tieflings disguise their nature or are forced to live on the fringes or underbelly of civilized society. Though they are not born evil, it is an easy path for them to find, especially as most suffer at the hands of “normal” folks while growing up. Tieflings look mostly human except for some physical traits that reveal their strange heritage.

Tieflings possess the following racial traits:

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Charisma: Tieflings are quick in body and mind, but are inherently strange.
Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)
Racial Skill Bonuses: Bluff and Stealth +2.
Spell-Like Abilities: darkness 1/day (caster level equals the tiefling's class level.)
Resistance(s): cold, electricity, and fire resistance 5.
Fiendish Sorcery: Tiefling sorcerers with the Abyssal or Infernal bloodline, and Oracles with the Outer Rifts mystery treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all oracle and sorcerer class abilities. Tiefling Clerics with the Evil domain may cast domain spells and use domain powers at +1 caster level.
Languages: Automatic Languages: Common, Infernal or Abyssal. Bonus Languages:
Any (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
Favored Class: Rogue.

XP Debt: Before you gain actual XP to progress in level, you must “work off” an XP debt equal to half what you normally need to reach 2nd level. This puts you slightly behind other characters in the party, who will reach higher levels more quickly than your character, but as you gain levels, this gap narrows.

Last edited by The DM on Tue May 01, 2012 7:41 am; edited 3 times in total
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Fire Genasi (Ifrit)   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:32 am

Ifrits are humans whose ancestry includes beings of elemental fire, such as efreet. Ifrits have pointed ears, red or mottled horns on the brow, and hair that flickers and waves as if it were af lame.

All ifrits are at some level pyromaniacs. Adoring fire in all its forms, they tend to be passionate and quick to action, with a predilection for striking first in any conflict—a trait which keeps them alive but doesn’t make them a lot of friends. Ifrits generally seek out the company of either less-powerful minions who can be browbeaten into following orders, or calm, cool individuals who can balance the ifrits out.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Wisdom: Ifrits are passionate and quick, but also impetuous and destructive.
Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)
Spell-Like Abilities: burning hands 1/day (caster level equals the ifrit’s total Hit Dice).
Resistance(s): fire resistance 5.
Elemental Affinity: Ifrit sorcerers with the elemental (fire) bloodline and Oracles with the Flame Mystery treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer or oracle spells and class abilities. Ifrit spellcasters with the Fire domain use their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.
Languages: Ifrits begin play speaking Common and Ignan. Ifrits with high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following bonus languages: Aquan, Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Terran.
Automatic Languages: Common, Ignan. Bonus Languages:
Any (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
• Favored Class: Any

XP Debt: Before you gain actual XP to progress in level, you must “work off” an XP debt equal to half what you normally need to reach 2nd level. This puts you slightly behind other characters in the party, who will reach higher levels more quickly than your character, but as you gain levels, this gap narrows.

Last edited by The DM on Tue May 01, 2012 7:31 am; edited 3 times in total
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Water Genasi (Undine)   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:34 am

Undines are humans whose ancestry includes elemental beings of water, such as marids. This connection with the Plane of Water is most noticeably manifested in their coloration, which tends to mimic that of lakes or oceans—all undines have limpid, blue eyes, and their skin and hair can range from pale blue-white to the deep blue or green of the sea.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, –2 Strength: Undines are both perceptive and agile, but tend to adapt rather than match force with force.
Movement: swim (30 feet.)
Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)
Spell-Like Abilities: hydraulic push 1/day (caster level equals the undine’s total Hit Dice.)
Resistance(s): cold resistance 5.
Elemental Affinity: Undine sorcerers with the Elemental (water) bloodline or Oracles with the Waves Mystery treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer or oracle class abilities. Undine clerics with the Water domain cast their Water domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.
Languages: Common, Aquan. Bonus Languages:
Any (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
Favored Class: Any

XP Debt: Before you gain actual XP to progress in level, you must “work off” an XP debt equal to half what you normally need to reach 2nd level. This puts you slightly behind other characters in the party, who will reach higher levels more quickly than your character, but as you gain levels, this gap narrows.

Last edited by The DM on Tue May 01, 2012 7:26 am; edited 2 times in total
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Air Genasi (Sylph)   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:37 am

Sylphs are humans whose family trees include elemental beings of air, such as djinn. They tend to be pale and thin to the point of appearing delicate, though their skinny bodies are more resilient than they look. While many can pass unnoticed through crowds of humans, sylphs display their heritage in subtle ways, and those who study them carefully sometimes notice that breezes seem to follow a sylph wherever she goes, even inside rooms with no windows. When consumed by fits of anger or passion, these tendencies become more apparent, as winds surround the sylph and tousle her hair or knock small items from shelves. Many sylphs have complex markings on their pale flesh that resemble tiny swirling designs like blue and gray tattoos, and the most exotic of their kind have hair that twists and coils almost as if it were made of living mist.

As people, sylphs tend to be shy and reclusive, blending into crowds or skillfully avoiding those they don’t desire to meet. Yet while they often prefer to manipulate situations and avoid conflict themselves, most sylphs remain intensely curious about other people, and often go to great lengths to spy or eavesdrop on those who spark their interest (a hobby frequently referred to as “listening to the wind”). This combined love of subterfuge and ability to slip away from any compromising situation makes sylphs perfectly suited to lives as rogues, thieves, and spies, and beneath the average sylph’s veneer of shy waifishness lies a mind that’s capable and calculating, constantly sizing up the competition and analyzing the most effective exits from any given room.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution: Sylphs are quick and insightful, but slight and delicate.
Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)
Spell-Like Abilities: feather fall 1/day (caster level equals the sylph’s Hit Dice).
Resistance(s): electricity resistance 5.
Elemental Affinity: Sylph sorcerers with the elemental (air) bloodline or Oracles with the Wind mystery treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer or oracle spells and class abilities. Sylph clerics with the Air domain cast their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.
Languages: Common, Auran. Bonus Languages:
Any (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
Favored Class: Any

XP Debt: Before you gain actual XP to progress in level, you must “work off” an XP debt equal to half what you normally need to reach 2nd level. This puts you slightly behind other characters in the party, who will reach higher levels more quickly than your character, but as you gain levels, this gap narrows.

Last edited by The DM on Tue May 01, 2012 7:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Earth Genasi (Oread)   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:39 am

Oreads are humans whose ancestry includes the touch of an elemental being of earth somewhere along its line, often that of a shaitan genie. Oreads are strong and solidly built, and prefer wearing earth tones that match the coloration of their flesh and hair—shades of gray, brown, black, or white. In rare cases, oreads’ stone-like traits are so strong as to leave no question as to their nature, with growths like rocky outcroppings protruding from their skin or hair like crystalline spikes. Oreads tend to be stoic and contemplative, slow to anger but terrible when roused. Outside of combat, they tend to be quiet, dependable, and protective of their friends.

+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma: Oreads are strong, solid, stable, and stoic.
Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)
Spell-Like Abilities: magic stone 1/day (caster level equals the oread’s total Hit Dice).
Resistance(s): acid resistance 5.
Elemental Affinity: Oread sorcerers with the elemental (earth) bloodline or Oracles with the Stone or Metal Mystery treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer or Oracle spells and class abilities. Oread clerics with the Earth domain cast their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.
Automatic Languages: Common and Terran. Bonus Languages:
Any (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
Favored Class: Any

XP Debt: Before you gain actual XP to progress in level, you must “work off” an XP debt equal to half what you normally need to reach 2nd level. This puts you slightly behind other characters in the party, who will reach higher levels more quickly than your character, but as you gain levels, this gap narrows.

Last edited by The DM on Tue May 01, 2012 7:29 am; edited 2 times in total
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Shade (Fetchling)   Races of Faerun EmptyTue Oct 11, 2011 6:47 am

Shades were once humanoids, but they have traded their souls for
tha essence of shadowstuff.
Most shades appear as humanoids of their former height and
appearance, but with grayish or nearly black, dusky skin and veiled
eyes. They are often thinner than normal for their races. They favor
somber clothing and wear armor if they so desire.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Wisdom: Shades are quick and forceful, but often strange and easily distracted easily by errant thoughts.
Senses: darkvision (60 feet), low-light vision.
Racial Skill Bonuses: Knowledge (planes) and Stealth +2.
Shadow Blending: Attacks against a Shade in dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance.
Resistance(s): cold, electricity resistance 5.
Spell-Like Abilities: disguise self (any humanoid creature) 1/day. When a Shade reaches 9th level in any combination of classes, it gains shadow walk (self only) usable 1/day, and at 13th level, it gains plane shift (self only, to the Plane of Shadow or the Material Plane only) usable 1/day. A shade's caster level is equal to its total Hit Dice.
Native Outsider (see above)
Shadow Magic: Shade sorcerers with the Shadow bloodline as well as Oracles with the Dark tapestry mystery may treat their Charisma score as if 2 higher for all spells and class abilities. Shade Clerics with the Darkness domain cast Darkness spells and domain powers at +1 caster level.

Automatic Languages: Common, Home Region
Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages like Druidic)

XP Debt: Before you gain actual XP to progress in level, you must “work off” an XP debt equal to half what you normally need to reach 2nd level. This puts you slightly behind other characters in the party, who will reach higher levels more quickly than your character, but as you gain levels, this gap narrows.

Last edited by The DM on Tue May 01, 2012 7:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Orc   Races of Faerun EmptyThu Oct 13, 2011 5:47 am

Along with their brute strength and comparatively low intellect, the primary difference between orcs and the civilized humanoids is their attitude. As a culture, orcs are violent and aggressive, with the strongest ruling the rest through fear and brutality. They take what they want by force, and think nothing of slaughtering or enslaving entire villages when they can get away with it. They have little time for niceties or details, and their camps and villages tend to be filthy, ramshackle affairs filled with drunken brawls, pit fights, and other sadistic entertainment. Lacking the patience for farming and only able to shepherd the most robust and self-sufficient animals, orcs almost always find it easier to take what someone else has built than to create things themselves. They are arrogant and quick to anger when challenged, but only worry about honor so far as it directly benefits them to do so.

An adult male orc is roughly 6 feet tall and 210 pounds. Orcs and humans interbreed frequently, though this is almost always the result of raids and slave-taking rather than consensual unions. Many orc tribes purposefully breed for half-orcs and raise them as their own, as the smarter progeny make excellent strategists and leaders for their tribes.

+4 Strength, –2 Intelligence, –2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma: Orcs are brutal and savage
Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)
Ferocity: An orc remains conscious and can continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. It is still staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. A creature with ferocity still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.
Weaknesses/Vulnerabilities: Light Sensitivity.
Weapon Familiarity: Orcs are always proficient with greataxes and falchions, and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Orcs begin play speaking Common and Orc. Bonus languages(lol): Damaran, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Illuskan, Undercommon.

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The DM
The DM

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Races of Faerun Empty
PostSubject: Kobold   Races of Faerun EmptyThu Oct 13, 2011 5:59 am

While they may speak loudly of divine right and manifest destiny, kobolds are keenly aware of their own weakness. Cowards and schemers, they never fight fair if they can help it, instead setting up ambushes and double-crosses, holing up in their warrens behind countless crude but ingenious traps, or rolling over the enemy in vast, yipping hordes.

Kobolds are often characterized as filthy little
reptiles barely better than goblins. They’re malicious
but of little actual menace. Catch kobolds
in their lairs, where they are almost certainly
hard at work mining, and such a description
might be fi tting. No one ever suspected that
being underestimated was the kobolds’ goal.
Kobolds are meticulous creatures with sorcery in their
blood, a variety of reptile with a strong work ethic. Discounted
as pests or worse by many others, kobolds are a
long-suffering race with many talents and clever tricks. Only
the foolish overlook the threat that kobolds actually pose

Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with bony frames
and small tails. They stand approximately 2 to 2-1/2 feet
tall and weigh 35 to 45 pounds. Sinewy, double-jointed
legs, naturally bent and poised for sudden speed, contribute
to their height. When her legs are stretched out, a
kobold can increase her height by up to 1 foot, but doing
so is uncomfortable.
Kobolds have scaly skin, varying in color from rusty
brown to reddish black. They have strong teeth, and their
hands and feet have long digits tipped with very small claws.
A kobold’s face is like a crocodile’s, with a jaw that can open
wide enough to hold a whole melon. Constantly alert and
wide, the eyes of a kobold range in color from burnt ochre
to red. A ridge of small, hornlike bone juts above each brow
and sweeps backward, the protrusions growing larger and
more pronounced toward the rear of the skull.

–4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution: Kobolds are fast but weak.
Size: Small (gain a +1 size bonus to AC, +1 size bonus to attack rolls, –1 penalty to CMB and CMD, and +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.)
Humanoid (dragonblood, reptilian): Kobolds are humanoidswith the dragonblood subtype. For all effects related to race, a kobold is considered a dragon.
Movement: base speed (30 feet.)
Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)
AC Bonuses: +1 natural armor.
Racial Skill Bonuses: Craft (trapmaking), Perception, and Profession (miner) +2. Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class skills.
Weaknesses/Vulnerabilities: Light Sensitivity.
Languages: Automatic Languges: Draconic. Bonus languages: Common, Dwarven, Gnome, and Undercommon.
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Dragon magic: Kobold Sorcerers with the Draconic Bloodline may treat their Charisma score as if 2 higher for all spells and class abilities.

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