For defeating the driders, spiders, and drow sentries you each receive 6,400 experience points.
Drider Filth pile: 70 pp, 800 gp, potion of jump, scrolls of: greater magic weapon, locate object, knock, burning hands, displacement, and minor image
Szith Morcane Sentry 1: +1 breastplate, +1 spiked heavy steel shield, +1 rapier, MW dagger, mw hand crossbow, 20 bolts, cloak of resistance+1, 2 potions of spider climb, potion of cure light wounds, potion of jump
Szith Morcane Sentry 2: Mithral Breastplate, +1 glaive, mw shortsword, hand crossbow, 20 bolts, potion of bull's strength, 1 dose of drow sleep poison
Spellguard: Rapier, hand crossbow, 20 bolts, wand of lightning bolt (25 charges), potion of haste, potion of cure serious wounds, scrolls of ray of enfeeblement and spider climb, 500gp of diamond dust, gold ring worth 20gp