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 The Dordrien Crypts - Crypts level (November 20th, 2011)

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The DM
The DM

Posts : 231
Join date : 2011-09-26

The Dordrien Crypts - Crypts level (November 20th, 2011) Empty
PostSubject: The Dordrien Crypts - Crypts level (November 20th, 2011)   The Dordrien Crypts - Crypts level (November 20th, 2011) EmptyWed Nov 23, 2011 3:01 am

For defeating the heinous beasts of the crypts and surviving the less than deadly traps you each received 9000 experience points (a reminder, I already gave them out)


Roper- 300gp spinel, 2 tourmalines 100gp ea, 3 rose quartz 20gp ea

on the body of the dead aranea you find a magical longbow (not composite) and a chain shirt.
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The Dordrien Crypts - Crypts level (November 20th, 2011)
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